Can my Dent be Fixed with PDR?

Tin can My Dent be Fixed with PDR?

If your vehicle has sustained a nasty dent, whether it's a parking lot scar or a dent from an blow, there's a proficient adventure it tin can be repaired with PDR. Nigh minor dents tin can be repaired past the paring repair experts at Dented and then long equally the paint is yet intact, and the dent isn't too complex in nature. Since paintless dent repair tin remove 80-90% of dents, it is the all-time way to become a paring out of your automobile.

If we tin can admission the area behind the dent, we tin ofttimes massage out the dent with the Paintless Dent Repair procedure. The best thing almost PDR is that we practise not need to add body filler, need to repaint, or fifty-fifty disturb your vehicle'southward manufacturing plant paint during the repair process. Because of this, PDR is also far less fourth dimension consuming than the traditional paring repair process where a body panel is sanded downwards, body filler is added, and the console is repainted.

If you want to take your vehicle dent free for a fraction of the price and in less time, the paintless dent repair procedure is a great way to restore your vehicle's trunk panels. Most Paintless dent repairs can be done for much less money than repainting and traditional repairs and can exist completed in less than a day!

Nosotros empathise that many of you still have questions about the paintless dent repair process, so we have created an in-depth guide to respond many of the PDR questions you may accept. After reading this, you lot volition accept a better understanding of the repair process and whether or not your vehicle can be repaired with PDR.

Dent Shapes that can be Repaired with PDR

Dent Shapes that can be Repaired with PDR

Every dent is unique in some way. No 2 vehicles have the verbal same shape, and no two objects or other vehicles that could cause impairment to your vehicle have exactly the same shape. Considering of this, we see a wide diversity of dents in all shapes and sizes.

You may be wondering – "how does the shape of my paring affect its ability to be repaired with the paintless dent repair process?" – It's a chip of a long-winded answer, but it plays a office in it'southward repairability!

Dent Complexity

An important part of paintless paring repair and determining if the process can repair your dent is assessing the complexity of the dent itself. A more complex dent means that it is more difficult to repair. There are a few different factors to consider:

Creasing in the Dent

If the dent is creased, it means that information technology may not exist able to repair with PDR. Although there are many skilled PDR technicians in the world, creases make information technology hard to restore the trunk panel to its regular shape. A good instance of paring complication and how creasing affects the dent repair process is squeezing a pop can or pop bottle.

Think of information technology this way. When y'all clasp a pop can or pop bottle, it will go out a dent. If the dent you go out in information technology is round and smooth, y'all can ordinarily dispense the can or bottle with your hands and hands clasp out the dent to return it to its original shape.

However, If you crease the tin can or bottle when yous squeeze it, no matter how difficult yous try to pop the crease out, a ridge will ever be. You tin keep to fight with the dent and the crease every bit much as you'd like, information technology will almost never return to its original shape.

The same theory applies to your vehicle. Although different materials are oftentimes used, and automotive paint has different backdrop and elasticity, a round dent is easier to pop out, and creasing volition make information technology difficult.

Nigh PDR technicians have specialty tools, picks, hammers, and equipment that brand it possible to remove some dents with mild creasing, only these dents ordinarily need to exist repaired with the traditional dent repair procedure as the pigment will demand to be disturbed, and body filler will demand to exist practical. In some extreme cases, the panel may fifty-fifty need to be replaced.

The Depth of the Paring

Another important consideration is the depth of the dent itself in your vehicle. Dents that are shallower are frequently easier to repair than deeper dents. Given that more than of the vehicle's trunk console will be afflicted past a deeper dent, it can limit it's repairability and the integrity of the vehicle's body console also. The deeper the dent, the less likely the panel will be to return to its original shape.

The elastic limit of your vehicle's pigment will too exist a determining factor. Automotive pigment can but flex so much before information technology begins to cleft. The elasticity of paint varies from i auto manufacturer to another. Some vehicles have different thicknesses and additives in the pain that allow their paint to be more than flexible whereas others are more breakable. A vehicle with more flexible paint can sustain a deeper and more than complex dent without cracking, and a vehicle with more brittle paint and a harder clearcoat volition crack sooner when damaged.

PDR technicians are trained to await for stress cracks and other signs that the damage may have exceeded the paint's elastic limit before repairing your vehicle. If the paint is showing signs of cracking, your console volition need to be repainted, and the traditional dent repair process will be needed. It'll be fourth dimension to head to an auto torso repair shop for that paring!

Common Causes of Small Dents

Common Causes of Small Dents that can be Repaired with PDR

The wonderful thing well-nigh paintless dent repair is that it tin can repair a number of dissimilar small dents that have been caused by a variety of things. It'south past far the quickest and most price-constructive form of small dent repair that exists. Some of you may exist wondering what types of damage can be repaired with paintless dent repair and what some of the common causes of pocket-sized dents may be. Almost every vehicle owner will render to their vehicle after parking it somewhere and observe some damage at some point in their lives. We've created a helpful listing of what could cause a paring in your vehicle for you to determine what happened!

Collisions can be the crusade of Small Dents

Collisions are often the cause of small dents. We all know that accidents happen and that vehicles bump into each other sometimes. If you encounter a small dent on your bumper, door, fender, or another torso panel on your vehicle, it could take been caused past another vehicle bumping into it.

Look closely at your dent. If you can run into another color of paint in your dent, in that location is a good gamble that another vehicle has bumped into yours. Although this may exist alarming, the other vehicle's paint will normally rub off and so long equally your pigment has not cracked and the impact scratching is not too severe, these dents tin can be repaired with paintless dent repair.

Door Dings are a Common Cause of Small-scale Dents

Nosotros've all done it earlier. Either you accidentally parked a scrap too close to another vehicle, or they did at the grocery store. While you're trying to put your groceries away inside the cab of your vehicle or get inside, you accidentally bump the door of another vehicle. In nigh cases, vehicles take side trim and other things to protect the bodily body panels from sustaining impairment, In some cases, vehicles exercise non have them and end up with a nasty dent on the side.

Door dings have a pretty distinctive shape to them. Most doors have a circular outer edge that comes into contact with a trunk panel on your vehicle and volition touch on your vehicle with a swinging motility. The consequence is a sort of egg or crescent-shaped dent that volition as well sometimes take a ridge or balmy pucker on the inside.

In terms of the repairability of door dings, the aforementioned rules employ as a small dent repair from a collision. At that place is often some touch on scratching on the surface from the other door coming into contact with your vehicle and sometimes even a trace of other pigment left behind. And then long as the pigment has not cracked, at that place isn't any severe creasing in the dent, and the area behind the dent can be accessed, door dings can exist repaired with paintless dent repair.

Hail Damage tin be Repaired with Paintless Dent Repair

During the rainy season, PDR technicians are usually kept pretty busy thanks to the many hail impairment repairs that demand to be fabricated. Hail harm usually affects the horizontal trunk panels on a vehicle. When hail falls from the sky, information technology will commonly leave tiny dents on the hood, the roof, the body, the tops of the fenders, and quarter panels on your vehicle.

Bigger hailstones falling from the sky means that there are likely bigger dents in your vehicle. In some cases, the sides of your vehicle tin fifty-fifty be damaged by hail as well if there are heavy winds during a hail tempest. Potent blowing winds tin cause the side of the vehicle facing the wind to be hail damaged and likewise require hail impairment repair.

The main affair to consider with hail damage is the size and quantity of the dents that your vehicle has sustained in a hail tempest. If the hailstones are big enough, they tin can actually create dents that are also big or too complex to be repaired past the paintless paring repair procedure.

Because most hailstones are round in nature, they exit a dent in your vehicle that is like to what would exist caused past a golf brawl. There is ofttimes no bear upon scratching from hailstones considering they are smooth, but PDR technicians volition need to ensure that in that location is no stress cracking in your vehicles pigment every bit a deeper paring could exceed the elastic limit of your paint. As long as in that location is no cracking and the area behind the body panel can exist accessed, a small-scale dent from hail impairment can ordinarily be repaired. PDR is one of the best options available for hail damage repair.

Minor Dents Acquired by Sports Accidents

Another common cause of dents in vehicles is sporting accidents. We've all seen it happen in the movies before, a kid hits a baseball out of the park, someone's aim is off with a golf shot, and some kind of sports ball lands on a vehicle and amercement it. In the spring and summertime during sports season, this happens quite often.

Things like basketballs, baseballs, soccer assurance, golf balls, and more tin leave dents in your vehicle when they fly off course. Luckily, the dents caused by these sporting accidents are often small-scale and shallow circular dents that can be repaired by the paintless paring repair process.

When sporting assurance come up into contact with your vehicle, they often just create a round rent with no impact scratching. In some farthermost cases, golf balls tin leave more than severe dents, simply information technology is unlikely. If your vehicle's factory paint is non showing whatever signs of corking at the area behind the dent tin can be accessed past a PDR technician, these minor dents can often be removed, and your vehicle volition look adept equally new!

Other Things That Cause Small Dents in Vehicles

There are many other things that can cause minor dents in your vehicle. Things similar falling objects, like an apple falling from a tree or something dropped from a roof can cause dents on your vehicle'southward horizontal trunk panes. Even incidents as mundane as a shopping cart in a mall parking lot bumping into your vehicle or a child riding their cycle into your vehicle can crusade modest dents.

Regardless of what causes the dent in your vehicle, so long equally the dent is not too severe, the pigment is intact, and the area backside the body panel tin can be accessed by the PDR technician, the small dents in your vehicle can exist repaired by the paintless dent repair process.

Panels that can be Repaired with PDR

Torso Panels that tin be Repaired with PDR

Many people want to know which body panels tin exist fixed with paintless dent repair on a vehicle. The answer to this question isn't completely straightforward. It depends on the fabric that the body panel has been made of, the shape of the panel, the severity of the dent, and the location of the panel on the vehicle and how it affects access to behind the panel. We've gathered some information on the types of body panels that can be fixed with PDR.

Hoods can exist fixed with Paintless Paring Repair

Mostly speaking, about blend and sail metallic hoods can be repaired with the PDR process. Seeing as well-nigh hoods tin can either be easily removed from the vehicle and the liner can be removed from the hood, PDR technicians tin easily access the area underneath your hood to pop out dents.

If your vehicle's hood sustains a small-scale dent from hail, a falling object, a sports ball, or another circumstance, it tin generally be repaired with the PDR process. Every bit long equally the pigment is however okay and the dent is non too complex. A PDR technician will be able to repair the hood on your vehicle.

At that place are some types of hoods like carbon fibre hoods or fibreglass hoods that cannot be repaired with PDR. If you accept i of these hoods on your vehicle, they are unlikely to exist dented, but they will need to be replaced or repaired past an car torso shop.

Near Doors can be Repaired with PDR

Similar to hoods, nigh alloy and sheet metal doors on your vehicle can exist repaired with the PDR process. Because most doors can either be easily removed from the vehicle or the door card, inner encompass, or door skin can be removed, PDR technicians can easily access the area behind your doors to popular out dents and restore them to their original shape.

If your door has a minor to medium-sized paring from a standoff, a door ding, or something else coming into contact with it, the door tin can generally be repaired with the PDR procedure. As long every bit the paint is not cracked, doesn't have astringent bear upon scratching, and the dent is not too complex, a PDR technician will be able to repair your door.

In that location are some instances where your door may not be able to be repaired with PDR. Some vehicles take plastic door skins and other things where dents may not popular out, like metallic or alloy volition. If this is the example, your vehicle will need to go to an auto body store.

Typically Front Fenders tin can be Repaired with Paintless Paring Repair

Because forepart fenders are by and large hands removed, the expanse behind dents in them can be accessed and repaired with the PDR process. Fenders commonly bolt onto a support or a piece of your vehicle's frame making them simple to remove. In one case removed, technicians can hands access the expanse behind them to pop out dents and restore them to their original shape.

If your fender has sustained a dent from a collision or something else coming into contact with information technology, if the paint is intact, it can probably be repaired with the PDR process. There are some instances where your fender may not exist able to exist repaired with PDR. Some dents in fenders on trunk lines finish up existence too abrupt or circuitous in nature to be removed and for the fender to be restored to its original shape. In cases like these, the fender will need to be replaced, and your vehicle will have to be repaired with the traditional motorcar body repair procedure.

Quarter Panels Can Normally be Repaired by PDR

Quarter panels have some of the aforementioned characteristics as front end fenders, but they can normally non be removed from your vehicle. Quarter panels are usually an integral function of the vehicle'southward body, like the torso pillars that attach to them. In nearly cases, the area behind quarter panels can be accessed from inside your vehicle'south trunk or where your tail light attaches to your vehicle.

If your quarter console has sustained a dent from a collision, a door ding, or something else coming into contact with information technology, information technology tin can generally exist repaired with PDR so long as the paint is intact and the dent is not too circuitous. Some dents on body lines on a quarter panel end up being too sharp or circuitous in nature to exist removed and for the fender to be restored to its original shape. In cases like these, body filler volition need to be applied to the console and your vehicle will have to be repaired with the traditional auto torso repair procedure.

The Vehicle's Roof Can Commonly be Repaired by PDR

The roof of a vehicle is a large horizontal surface and is often prone to getting dents from things falling on information technology like hail, baseballs, and even sometimes fruit! Luckily, nearly roof dents are completely repairable with the PDR process.

As long as the headliner in your vehicle tin can be removed, it is adequately easy for a PDR technician to access the area behind your dents and remove them from your vehicle's roof. Hail damage and other roof dents from round objects falling on them can generally be removed equally they do not damage your pigment or severely deform the console. In some cases, where a tree branch, a rock, or a heavy object has fallen on your roof, the dent may be too severe to be repaired with PDR. In these farthermost cases, your vehicle will need body filler to be applied or fifty-fifty a new roof.

How does your Paint Affect the PDR Process

How does your Pigment Affect the PDR Process?

Although it may seem like your paint has nothing to exercise with removing a paring from a metallic or aluminum body panel, it actually has a lot to do with it and what the limits of the PDR process are!

As we previously mentioned, automotive paint has an elastic limit of how much it tin stretch before great occurs. Some paints are more flexible than others and can sustain a larger, more severe paring before the pigment is damaged or disturbed. If the pigment has cracked or it has been scratched down to the metal, it is unlikely that the paintless dent repair process will repair your dent, and your vehicle'due south body panel will need to be repainted.

The cool thing about modern automotive paint is that it provides more than than only aesthetic value. It does a lot more than than simply make your vehicle wait pretty! It acts as a protective layering and has many desirable properties.

About water based acrylic polyurethane enamel paints accept not bad elastic properties and are all the same very environmentally friendly. Because of their great elasticity and resilience, impacts and dents that would normally cause your paint'due south rubberband limit to be exceeded and cleft or become damaged are now completely repairable by the PDR process.

Some older automotive paints practise not take the same elasticity or resilience that modern automotive paints. Some exceptions do be to this rule, though. Some modern vehicles use more brittle paints and clear coats that can cause paint to exist less elastic than water based acrylic polyurethane enamel paints. We've all seen old vehicles in junkyards and parking lots from the seventies and eighties where a minor dent has caused the paint to crack and begin to chip off. In cases similar this, the panel simply needs to be repainted.

Body Panel Materials that can be Repaired with PDR

Body Panel Materials that can be Repaired with PDR

Generally speaking, most metals and alloy trunk panels can be repaired with the paintless dent repair process. If your vehicle is made of canvass metallic, aluminum, or an blend, so long every bit the console isn't besides severely damaged, it tin be repaired with the PDR procedure. This is because these types of panels can exist shaped with manual tools, are malleable, and take a metal retention, as discussed above. Most vehicle's trunk panels tin can be repaired with the paintless dent repair process, but in that location are some that cannot.

Materials that cannot be repaired by PDR

There are some body panels that are made of different materials with good reason, simply they cannot exist repaired with the paintless paring repair process. Things similar plastic bumpers, fibreglass fenders, carbon fibre hoods, and composites cannot be repaired with the paintless dent repair procedure.

This is because virtually of these materials are unlikely to dent to begin with. Although plastic bumpers and doors sometimes sustain dents that can be popped out easily, these panels cannot be fixed with PDR as they exercise not take a metal retentivity similar other panels. When damaged, plastic panels are normally but discarded and replaced. Things similar bumpers, trim, and other plastic parts of your vehicle will need to be ordered from a dealership or auto trunk shop.

When it comes to more brittle materials like fibreglass or carbon fibre, the materials are more likely to crack or carve up when damaged and do not dent. If this is the case, they volition need to be repaired with filler or professionally past another specialist.

Types of Vehicles that can be Repaired with PDR

The Types of Vehicles that can be Repaired with PDR

Almost any vehicle can be repaired with PDR. As long as the vehicle is constructed with ane of the repairable materials that were listed above, they can be repaired with the paintless dent repair procedure. The PDR technicians at Dented have repaired it all! When it comes to cars, we have worked on coupes, sedans, wagons, high end sports cars, and more. We love pulling dents out of beautiful cars and restoring them to their original condition.

We have worked on many different types of larger passenger vehicles to remove dents as well. We have used paintless dent repair to fix dents in trucks, SUV's, Jeeps, Crossovers, Vans, Mini Vans, Panel Vans, and more.

Whether your vehicle has a unibody construction or body on frame, nosotros tin can remove dents from your vehicle and make it look as skillful as the day you first drove it home. Different vehicles come up with different complexities, but they can all almost certainly exist repaired with paintless dent repair so long as the damage is not likewise severe.


How does Metal Memory Affect the Paintless Dent Repair Process?

One of the things that the paintless paring repair process relies on is "Metal Memory". This basically means that the metal has a trend to want to return to its original shape. Normally, this tin be attained with PDR as long equally the dent hasn't exceeded one of the limits we have mentioned above.

The trouble with larger dents is that sometimes the metal tin get stretched. This is normally what has happened if your paint has started to crevice. In these cases, information technology will no longer want to return to its original shape every bit it has been given a new retention.

When a dent has a abrupt ridge, creasing, or anything that looks like it could cause the metal to twist or tear, the metallic has almost certainly been stretched. This is why these cases make it extremely difficult to repair with the PDR process. Panels like this often require body filler or replacement to make the panel announced every bit if it nevertheless retains its original shape.

Paintless Dent Repair

The Paintless Dent Repair Cess Process

Many of our customers wonder how the paintless paring repair damage assessment process works. It's really quite simple! Impairment cess needs to occur earlier nosotros begin working on a customer'due south vehicle to ensure we aren't trying to repair a dent that cannot be repaired due to the severity of the dent or another roadblock.

The commencement step in the cess procedure is to look closely at the paring and determine the severity of the damage. Our estimators will expect for many of the signs we mentioned in a higher place that would indicate that your dent could non be repaired. They ensure the metal is not stretched, the paint'due south elastic limit has not been exceeded, that there are no extreme ridges or creases in the dent, and that the impact scratching tin be polished out. If the dent is within these parameters, the estimator moves onto the second step.

The 2nd pace in the paintless dent repair process has to exercise with accessing the area backside the paring. Given that your paring could be anywhere on your vehicle, it could be in a location where a PDR technician could not admission the area backside the dent which will impede the ability to repair the dent. If it is impossible to access the expanse behind the dent for whatever reason, the dent cannot be repaired with PDR.

The third step is to approximate the dent repair cost for the console on your vehicle. Estimators look at the factors above, the quantity of dents, and do a dent repair cost analysis and estimate. In some cases, if there are many dents on a panel or the cost of repairing with PDR exceeds the toll of replacing the panel, we will suggest that the customer take that route. The reckoner will also take into account damaged trim pieces and get a quote on what it will cost to replace parts similar this.

Later this has been completed, a quote is created and reviewed with the client or the insurance company. If the quote is approved, the repair is scheduled, and the PDR technicians will repair the vehicle.

Although there is an in-depth assessment process, eighty-90% of dents in vehicles can be repaired with the PDR procedure. Nosotros complete the assessment process to ensure that we are working in the customer'due south all-time interests and to ensure that the repair can be completed without any complications. We want to ensure that your motorcar looks as good every bit the day information technology rolled off the lot afterward your dents have been repaired with paintless paring repair.

The Boilerplate Paintless Dent Repair Cost

The cost of repairing your dent depends on the factors listed above in the cess process. A dent that is more complex will have more fourth dimension to repair and cost more than a simple dent repair. A dent that is more difficult to repair because the area behind the paring cannot be accessed easily will also take the technician more time to repair and cost more than.

Another thing to take into account is the quantity of dents on your vehicle. A roof with hail damage and thirty dents volition as well be more expensive to repair than a single door ding. Regardless, information technology is hard to ballpark exactly what it volition cost to repair your dent. No ii dents are alike so it is hard to compare!

Regardless of the cost, paintless dent repair is always going to exist cheaper than the traditional dent repair process, and information technology is better for the environment too. Because we do non need to utilise body fillers, to repaint, or utilize harmful chemicals with the paintless dent repair process, we don't have an adverse bear on on the environment, and we salvage you money. Although our trained technicians have a comparable labour charge per unit to an machine body shop, we can oftentimes repair dents quicker and save textile costs over the traditional dent repair procedure. Paintless dent repair is the cheapest and most efficient way to repair dents on your vehicle.

For all of your Paintless Paring Repair Needs, Visit Dented

We hope you lot found this comprehensive guide on paintless dent repair helpful and yous found answers to many of your PDR related questions. Nosotros want to ensure that you're well educated about repairing your vehicle then that you sympathise how PDR tin can repair your vehicle without breaking your wallet. It really is one of the all-time ways to get a dent out of your car.

At Dented, we go the extra mile to ensure having your dents repaired is every bit quick and painless as possible. We care for each and every customer'southward vehicle like our own and ensure that we provide the best workmanship and quality with every repair that nosotros complete. That is the Dented advantage and how nosotros evangelize quality that cannot be matched by our competitors. If you desire your vehicle repaired past true professionals so that it looks as skillful every bit the day your car drove off the dealership parking lot, pay a visit to Dented today for a quote.

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